Monday, May 3, 2010

Game Over

So there's a rumor going around that Game Crazy will soon be shutting its doors. I've gotta say, I believe it. The article in the link paints this as "the little guy" being crushed under the boot of the massive Gamestop corporation, but I see it as part of a larger issue. That issue? DEDICATED GAME STORES SUCK!

Seriously, I don't understand why anyone uses dedicated game stores anymore. Do they just like being hassled for pre-orders and membership cards and extra controllers? That's basically all that separates the game store experience from your average trip to Best Buy. Every person behind the counter is instructed to upsell the hell out of anyone who sets foot in the store, even if they just want to use the restroom. It's not because these places are evil or greedy. If that were the case, Game Crazy would be thriving. The dark secret of game stores is that selling video games alone produces a very, very slim profit margin. I don't know the numbers, but apparently the sale of a new game yield's next to no profit at sale.

At places like Best Buy, video games can be written off as a sort of a loss leader. They've worked out ways to make a profit that don't involve badgering the customer to give them money for nothing. And if you're using Gamestop to buy used games on the cheap, I seriously suggest checking out eBay or You'll find better deals, a way better selection, and it's really no more of a crap shoot if the disk will work.

I honestly hope we're reaching a point where either dedicated game stores die entirely or they seriously rethink their business model. I'll give a suggestion for free right now. You know what people who buy video games also like? Comic books and tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons. You know what you can sell at ridiculous mark-ups and yet people will still pay for them? Comic books and tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons. Why are there no combined video game and comic book shops? It seems like the best idea ever. But what do I know about business?

(P.S. I intend to start blogging more often now. I have a few ideas for entries, so expect to see them soon!)

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